URGENT - Support a Firefighter Currently in Crisis


Leadership Team

Meet the Founder

Susan Farren

Founder/Executive Director

Paramedic (ret.)

Susan Farren is the Founder of First Responders Resiliency, Inc®., as well as a published author, educator, and speaker. After 30 years in Emergency Medical Services (EMS), for both public and private sectors as a Paramedic, Susan was diagnosed with what was initially thought to be terminal organ cancer.  After major surgery and recovery, Susan began researching the physical impacts of public safety. Her research led her to create a long overdue and much-needed proactive program providing physiological and psychological resiliency for those who put the lives of others before their own. Susan is dedicated to implementing every modality into her lifestyle and enjoys spending time with her five children. Susan teaches the following topics: The Nervous System, Psychology, Physical Resiliency, Emotions and Relationships, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Hemi-Synchronization, and Leadership.

Admin Staff

Carie Levar

Director of Family Services and Administrative Assistant

Chris Schafer

Property Manager and Resiliency Instructor

[email protected]

Devyn Breslin

Operations Manager

Grayson Sjoholm

Executive Assistant

Katarina Giudice-White

Community Engagement Coordinator

Kevin Smith

Director of Training and Logistics

Paramedic (ret.)
[email protected]

Valerie (Val) George

Training and Logistics Coordinator

Resiliency Instructors

Ronnie Shull

Primary Resiliency Instructor

Fire Engineer (ret.)

Neuroanatomy, Meditation

Sleep and Tactical Breathwork

[email protected]

Eric Strom

Primary Resiliency Instructor

 Fire Captain (ret.)

Exercise & Nutrition

[email protected]

Cathy Wayne

Primary Resiliency Instructor

Captain & Field Commander (ret.)

Substance Abuse & Recovery

[email protected]

Dr. Gary McCalla

Resiliency Instructor

Emergency Medical Director
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

[email protected]

Tod Ceruti

Tactical Resiliency Instructor


Tactical Resiliency Training

[email protected]

Forrest Martin

Tactical Resiliency Instructor

CAL FIRE Captain

Tactical Breathwork

[email protected]

Family Instructors

Carie Levar

Family Services Instructor

Veronica Stirnus

Coordinator of Family Services

Hilary Avalon

Family Services Instructor

Board of Directors

Susan Farren

Board President

Christine (Chris) Jacob

Board Treasurer

Michael Raasch

Board Member

Bill Bullard

Board Member

Advisory Board

Dr. Gina Poe

Director of Brain Research, UCLA

Dr. Susanne Montgomery

Director, Loma Linda University

Jan Myers

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Donn Gaede

Clinical Professor, Loma Linda University

Jeff Stone

Marriage & Family Therapist

Dr. Tori Van Dyk

Professor, Loma Linda University

Dr. Ryan D'arcy

Neuroscientist, British Columbia

John Wojtowicz

Retired US Marshal

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