First Responders Resiliency Center
We have officially kicked off our First Responders Resiliency Center™ Capital Campaign and developed updated designs for the Resiliency Center Property! Let’s take a look…

It has been our goal to build the premier First Responders Resiliency Center™. As of May 2021, we are the proud owners of 17.75 acres in Cotati, California! We have since raised more than 10% of our goal toward the first phase of the Capital Campaign (Phase 1 goal = $2,000,000). Our goal to fund the remainder of the project is $13,000,000. We look forward to making this dream come true. This center will not only be a home for Resiliency Training, but also provide real-time access to wellness and support services for first responders and their families. If you would like to support this cause, click the button below to donate today!