Waffle Support Breakfast
Santa Rosa Vets Building 1351 Maple Ave., Santa Rosa, United StatesSaturday, October 12th. 8am to 11am. Join us for a waffle breakfast to celebrate and support our First Responders!
Saturday, October 12th. 8am to 11am. Join us for a waffle breakfast to celebrate and support our First Responders!
Childcare, food, presentations, and fellowship with other First Responders families and modalities to help with the stress and anxiety of […]
Lunch is provided. Bring any of your kids who are 16 years of age or older.
First Responders and their families are Free. More Details
*This training is held exclusively to select employees of the Alameda County Behavioral Health Department. If you have questions […]
Yosemite Valley, CA
Sacramento, CA
This 3-day conference will address the psychological, neurological, physical, emotional, and relational impacts of stress and trauma exposure affecting first […]